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The First Law of Geography


"Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.”

Waldo Tobler

Geospatial data management

Every user of geospatial data has experienced the challenge of obtaining, organizing, storing, sharing, and visualizing their data. The variety of formats and data structures, as well as the disparate quality of geospatial data can result in a confusing accumulation of both workable or unworkable pieces of spatially explicit information that need to be managed in ways that allow these data to be integrated to support needed analysis in their qualitative limits.

Geospatial workflows

At OpenWork we understand the value and efficiency that well designed workflows provide to the creation, maintenance, analysis, use and sharing of geospatial information. We particularly understand the value and efficiency in creating workflows that allow the sharing and use of these resources between organisations. We understand that current workflows were designed for good reasons and that unnecessary interruptions incur needless costs. Through the application of good practice and open standards, we will help you design workflows that allow the sharing of information between organisations whilst minimising interruptions to business. 

Open Geospatial Standards

Open geospatial standards provide the foundation that allows interoperability to occur. At OpenWork Ltd we have a long history of active involvement in geospatial standards setting bodies such as ISO TC 211 and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). In addition, we have contributed to World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) efforts such as Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices and GeoDCAT. We also contribute to regional geospatial standards bodies, such as ANZLIC and ICSM. When you need authoritative assistance with implementation and use of these standards, we are well placed to help.

Discrete Global Grid Systems

Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS) are a new notation for addressing locations on Earth, distinguishing itself from older coordinate-based systems in two primary ways:

  1. It acknowledges that the earth is not flat but round, thereby avoiding misleading solutions to your geographic queries.

  2. It deals with locations in terms of areas rather than points; thereby acknowledging that things in the real world have areas and that any thing mapped has precision and accuracy.

Instead a DGGS models the world by splitting the earth into regular polygons, splitting those polygons into small polygons, and so on in order to address smaller areas. Each of these polygons are indexed by a predictable identifier based on their parent cells. In doing so, a DGGS makes it super efficient to process large amounts of geospatial information with no custom hardware. This is why at OpenWork we are collaborating with organisations around the world to develop this technology. 

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