OWL Vision
At OpenWork Ltd, we empower interrelated communities. We enhance decision making through improving usability of your pool of information. We connect communities of common interest.
OWL Mission
OpenWork Ltd is committed to empowering you to collaborate effectively within your community, or two or of thousands. We are focused on optimising the value of your data by applying practices that improve quality, interoperability and reusability. OpenWork Ltd is all about openness; open communication, open source, open standards, and open data; designed to be secure from the ground up.
At OpenWork Ltd we design solutions that enable you to find, link, and share information in ways that work for you. We provide system design, implementation and development utilising standards based technologies in Geospatial, Linked Open Data, and Online Catalogue Systems. We work closely with international and regional standards organisations and other bodies to ensure that the solutions we provide are open, robust and sustainable.